Saturday, February 14, 2009

A First Time Builder Builds a Modern Sailing Canoe

Old designs keep resurfacing in modern materials

Gary DeJong, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

One day in the fall of 2006 I dreamt of combining my interests in sailing, engineering design and building projects in wood. Over the years I have experienced the joys of sailing windsurfers, dinghies and cruising sailboats to 27 feet long. The small car-topped boat has been a favourite. My dream was to build a sailboat that would be within a reasonable budget, be completed within a year and be suitable for a first time builder.

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Anonymous said...

Would it not be more appropriate to refer to this craft as a sailing kayak? Strip it of its sail;ing rig and it would sure look like a kayak most of us are familiar with in modern terminology. Reminds me of my sailing kayak of the 1940's.

Author said...

Well, it is a canoe, though the distinction is slim. The terms 'canoe' and 'kayak' are European terms misapplied to native craft as a convenience. That being said, historically, the decked sailing canoe was a late 19th century development and the name 'canoe' stuck, thus, it is a canoe.